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Saturday, November 14, 2009

The war is over.

i hope this lucky number will help me...=p


im at the back!!! wargh!!!

empty table here belong to zahin and gabi....go out so early...waahhhhh

tension face..

macroeconomics paper was soooo hard.... i only can hope for madam sutina become "lembut hati" when marking my paper....insyaAllah...
pray for me yeah!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

exam fever

Sorry for no update recently. For your information i had fight with two exam already for this semester. English and Finance done!!! Islamic economics, Statistics and Macroeconomics is line up..hehehe. study group definitely helping me with study. so I want my study buddy and all my friend will keep up the good work and aim for succes.I hope I can pass with flying colour!! wish me all the best yeah

hahaha look at my friend at the back!! nashar!! wahahaa